Dem Bock auf der Spur

Für den erfahrenen Jäger ist der Beginn der Bockjagd der Höhepunkt des Frühjahrs - eine Zeit, in der die Wälder erwachen und die Natur in voller Blüte steht. Doch um den majestätischen Bock erfolgreich anzulocken, braucht es mehr als Geduld und Erfahrung. Es braucht die richtige Ausrüstung und die Kunst der Lockjagd, um den Bock aus der Deckung zu locken und ihn in Schussweite zu bringen.

Die Wahl des Lockers: Weisskirchens Meisterstücke

Der Name Weisskirchen steht in der Welt der Jagdausrüstung für Qualität, Handwerkskunst und Innovation. Weisskirchen Wildlocker sind das Ergebnis jahrzehntelanger Naturforschung und Entwicklung mit dem Ziel, die natürlichen Laute und Töne des Wildes authentisch zu imitieren. Die Wildlocker von Weisskirchen sind das perfekte Werkzeug, um den Bock aus der Ferne anzulocken und in Schussweite zu bringen.

Die Kunst der Lockjagd: Erfahrung trifft Technik

Für den erfahrenen Jäger ist die Lockjagd eine Kunst, die Präzision, Geduld und Fingerspitzengefühl erfordert. Mit den Wildlockern von Weisskirchen lässt sich diese Kunst auf ein neues Niveau heben. Dank hochwertiger Materialien, realistischer Klangqualität und einfacher Handhabung bieten sie dir die Möglichkeit, die Täuschung perfekt zu inszenieren und den Bock mit seinen eigenen Instinkten zu überlisten.

Egal, ob Du den Bock aus der Deckung locken, ihn zur Brunftzeit verführen oder einfach nur sein Interesse wecken willst - mit den Wildlockern von Weisskirchen hast Du das richtige Werkzeug in der Hand, um Deine Ziele zu erreichen und Deine Jagderlebnisse unvergesslich zu machen.

Die Kunst der Lockjagd: Erfahrung trifft Technik

Für den erfahrenen Jäger ist die Lockjagd eine Kunst, die Präzision, Geduld und Fingerspitzengefühl erfordert. Mit den Wildlockern von Weisskirchen lässt sich diese Kunst auf ein neues Niveau heben. Dank hochwertiger Materialien, realistischer Klangqualität und einfacher Handhabung bieten sie dir die Möglichkeit, die Täuschung perfekt zu inszenieren und den Bock mit seinen eigenen Instinkten zu überlisten.

Egal, ob Du den Bock aus der Deckung locken, ihn zur Brunftzeit verführen oder einfach nur sein Interesse wecken willst - mit den Wildlockern von Weisskirchen hast Du das richtige Werkzeug in der Hand, um Deine Ziele zu erreichen und Deine Jagderlebnisse unvergesslich zu machen.


Ein Erbe der Jagdtradition

Die Bockjagd ist mehr als ein sportliches Abenteuer - sie ist eine Tradition, die tief in der Geschichte der Jagd verwurzelt ist. Mit den Wildlockern von Weisskirchen wird dieses Erbe bewahrt und die Tradition der Lockjagd an kommende Generationen weitergegeben. Denn die Kunst des Lockens ist eine Kunst, die nur durch Erfahrung, Wissen und die richtige Ausrüstung perfektioniert werden kann.

Unsere Artikel für die Bockjagd

Roe Deer Call Made of Precious Wood
Made from the precious hardwood wenge and finished with liquid beeswax, this precious wood mouth bait is not just an eye-catcher. You can cover several areas of hunting with this versatile lure. Firstly, it can be used to imitate all the vocalisations of female roe deer, which will secure you the buck during the leaf season. Secondly, you can use the hare call to attract the fox. The fox perceives the sounds up to over 1000 metres. You are also well equipped for duck hunting with this decoy whistle, as the excited chattering of approaching ducks can be imitated well. A felt case is supplied for optimum storage of the fine wooden mouthpiece. This case provides the best possible protection for the noble Locker. You will be able to enjoy it for a long time and have lots of hunting fun.

Weisskirchen WXT - 4all universal game call
With the Weisskirchen WXT - 4all game call, you have a wide range of applications in one hand. The Locker is an absolute all-rounder for the leaf season. You can also use the duck call. As a fox can always be heard, the rabbit call is of course a must. A very robust material has been used in the manufacture, which is also suitable for extreme conditions. This lure can therefore be used at any time of year and in any weather.

Weisskirchen WXT - 4all Plus universal game call
With the Weisskirchen WXT - 4all game call, you have a wide range of applications in one hand. The Locker is an absolute all-rounder for reed time. And as a fox can always be heard, the hare call is of course a must. The mouse whistle rounds off the complete package of decoys here. A very robust material was used in the manufacture, which is also suitable for extreme conditions. This game call can therefore be used at any time of year and in any weather.

Roe Deer Call Made of Precious Wood with Mouse Pipe
The Roe Deer Call Made of Precious Wood with Mouse Pipe, made from wenge (a fine hardwood) and finished with liquid beeswax, is not just an eye-catcher. You can cover several areas of hunting at the same time with this versatile locker. On the one hand, it allows you to imitate all the sounds emitted by female roe deer, which is sure to win you the buck in the leaf season. You can also use the hare call to attract a fox. They can hear the sounds from over 1000 metres away. You are also well equipped for duck hunting with this decoy, as it can be used to imitate the excited chattering of incoming ducks. The mouse whistle rounds off the complete package of this versatile decoy. A felt pouch is included for optimum storage of the fine wood mouth flapper. This provides the best possible protection for the noble decoy, and you will enjoy using it for a very long time.

Bleep Call for Roe Deer
The Bleep Call for Roe Deer with adjusting screw is a very good companion for the leaf time. The piu tone sounds with a lightning-fast turn of the adjusting screw to the left when blowing. By turning the screw to the right and blowing in a long, miserable sound, you can hear the Fawn fear squeak. This way you can hunt the buck at leaf time and have all the important tones combined in a single lock.

Roe Deer Call Made of Precious Wood
Made from the precious hardwood wenge and finished with liquid beeswax, this precious wood mouth bait is not just an eye-catcher. You can cover several areas of hunting with this versatile lure. Firstly, it can be used to imitate all the vocalisations of female roe deer, which will secure you the buck during the leaf season. Secondly, you can use the hare call to attract the fox. The fox perceives the sounds up to over 1000 metres. You are also well equipped for duck hunting with this decoy whistle, as the excited chattering of approaching ducks can be imitated well. A felt case is supplied for optimum storage of the fine wooden mouthpiece. This case provides the best possible protection for the noble Locker. You will be able to enjoy it for a long time and have lots of hunting fun.

Weisskirchen WXT - 4all universal game call
With the Weisskirchen WXT - 4all game call, you have a wide range of applications in one hand. The Locker is an absolute all-rounder for the leaf season. You can also use the duck call. As a fox can always be heard, the rabbit call is of course a must. A very robust material has been used in the manufacture, which is also suitable for extreme conditions. This lure can therefore be used at any time of year and in any weather.

Weisskirchen WXT - 4all Plus universal game call
With the Weisskirchen WXT - 4all game call, you have a wide range of applications in one hand. The Locker is an absolute all-rounder for reed time. And as a fox can always be heard, the hare call is of course a must. The mouse whistle rounds off the complete package of decoys here. A very robust material was used in the manufacture, which is also suitable for extreme conditions. This game call can therefore be used at any time of year and in any weather.

Roe Deer Call Made of Precious Wood with Mouse Pipe
The Roe Deer Call Made of Precious Wood with Mouse Pipe, made from wenge (a fine hardwood) and finished with liquid beeswax, is not just an eye-catcher. You can cover several areas of hunting at the same time with this versatile locker. On the one hand, it allows you to imitate all the sounds emitted by female roe deer, which is sure to win you the buck in the leaf season. You can also use the hare call to attract a fox. They can hear the sounds from over 1000 metres away. You are also well equipped for duck hunting with this decoy, as it can be used to imitate the excited chattering of incoming ducks. The mouse whistle rounds off the complete package of this versatile decoy. A felt pouch is included for optimum storage of the fine wood mouth flapper. This provides the best possible protection for the noble decoy, and you will enjoy using it for a very long time.

Bleep Call for Roe Deer
The Bleep Call for Roe Deer with adjusting screw is a very good companion for the leaf time. The piu tone sounds with a lightning-fast turn of the adjusting screw to the left when blowing. By turning the screw to the right and blowing in a long, miserable sound, you can hear the Fawn fear squeak. This way you can hunt the buck at leaf time and have all the important tones combined in a single lock.
