
Lure hunting for red deer with the Eifel stag call

Stag call and Eifel stag call, these terms used to simply belong together. Deer hunters will certainly be familiar with the former manufacturer of the Eifel deer call "Rodenit, Cologne". To produce a natural sound, the owner of this company mixed hard cardboard with synthetic resin and this is how this legendary call was born. My boss gave me one of these fine pieces as a gift in 1960

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Lure hunting for wild boar - a brief introduction

There is no such thing as a boar lure, say some professional hunters. You can only attract boars with maize. I confidently disagree, because I had a key experience with consequences in the eighth grade of our primary schools. We had to put on a play for our relatives as our final school project. It was a farmer's play. A girl from the class had to play a sow. The teacher

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Fox lure hunting - a brief introduction

Fox lure hunting: Fox luring or fox lure hunting is probably the right choice of words. Many hunters also understand fox lure hunting to mean sitting on a lure. The word "tease" alone has fascinated me since I was a young hunter. The clever fox; if I want to tease it, I have to be cleverer than it

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The lure hunt for hazel grouse

Back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, I had the opportunity to hunt capercaillie and black grouse in East Tyrol during the springtime. It was exhausting, but also overwhelming to experience the early morning in the still mostly snow-covered Alps

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Rut hunting tips from Klaus Weisskirchen

It was on 25 July. A hot midsummer's day. I was sitting in front of the hunting lodge having my second breakfast when my young, very passionate fellow tenant excitedly reported that the leaf hunt was at its peak, as he had seen some bucks driving and shoeing heavily this morning.

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The most frequently asked questions about rut hunting - Klaus Weisskirchen answers

Rut hunting tips for more success when hunting bucks. Klaus Weisskirchen answers the most frequently asked questions about rut hunting

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Der Bock zum Ende der Blattzeit

Ich kannte diesen Bock schon länger. Ihn konnte ich auf der Wildkamera des Öfteren beobachten. Ein guter Freund sollte diesen Bock erlegen, doch war es ihm zeitlich leider nicht mehr möglich in diesem Jagdjahr zu kommen. Als ich diese Antwort bekam, war es schon Mitte August, das heißt Ende der Blattzeit. Dennoch wollte ich mich auf ihn versuchen.

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